CFP – “Pirandellian Transactions: Text, Context, Cultural Negotiation” – MLA 2019

The Pirandello Society of America is excited to announce our call for abstract submissions for the 2019 MLA Convention in Chicago, where we will host a panel on “Pirandellian Transactions: Text, Context, Cultural Negotiation.” Please consider submitting your proposal!


Call for Papers:

Pirandellian Transactions: Text, Context, Cultural Negotiation

2019 MLA Convention, Chicago


This guaranteed panel will consider how relationships of transaction illuminate our understanding of Pirandello’s work as well as that of his contemporaries and those influenced by or in dialogue with him.


We seek proposals that consider Pirandello’s writing in relation to its audiences, its historical circumstances, and the myriad relationships that constitute the cultural negotiations bridging text and context. We also encourage proposals that use Pirandellian themes to examine such transactional relationships in other writers, or proposals that examine writers who were influenced by or responding to Pirandello as a part of their own textual transactions.


We take our notion of transaction from the MLA Presidential Theme, which describes it thus:

Textual transactions are the mutually constitutive engagements of human beings, texts, and their contexts. Transactions are more than mere interactions, in which separate entities act on one another without being changed at any essential level. In transactions, all elements are part of an organic whole and are transformed by their encounters with one another.


With this notion in mind, we are interested in topics such as (but not limited to) the following:

– Translation, self-translation, cultural translation in Pirandello and/or Pirandellian approaches to translation
– Political context and textual composition as a transaction in Pirandello and his contemporaries
– Cultural negotiation in Pirandello and/or Pirandellian approaches to cultural negotiation
– Performance, staging, and live acting as modes of transaction for Pirandello and/or Pirandellian approaches to performance, staging, acting, etc.
– Author, character, actor/actress, audience, and cultural context as interrelated elements of Pirandellian transactions
– Readings and misreadings of and by Pirandello
– Examinations of Pirandellian themes (identity, performance, multiplicity, humor, etc.) and their role in text-context transactions


Abstracts of ~300 words and short bios should be sent to Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni ( and Michael Subialka ( by March 16, 2018. Any questions can be directed to the same addresses.


This is a guaranteed panel for the 2019 MLA Convention in Chicago (January 3-6, 2019).…