Florists: A Network of Commercial Sites near the City Center and the Grands Boulevards
Primary source.
- The French firm Didot–Bottin published an annual business directory for Paris akin to today’s phonebooks.
- The directory includes entries for a variety of commercial sites such as florists, horticulturalists, seed sellers, and glasshouse vendors.
- I use the entry for “Fleurs naturelles” (florists), in the 1870s business directory, to plot the historical addresses of the shops then in operation. (The entry for “Fleuristes,” cross-listed with “Plumassiers,” gives the addresses for shops specializing in artificial flowers for embellishing women’s hats and clothing.)
- Full text searchable digitized volumes and downloadable PDFs of Didot–Bottin’s Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de l’industrie, de la magistrature et de l’administration are available from the BnF’s Gallica database.
- The amazing librarians at my university secured an interlibrary loan for a partial run of the directories. (See the ginormous and unwieldy size of each volume in the banner photo for this post!)
- I keyed the data from the Didot–Bottin directory into an Excel spreadsheet. My university’s GIS specialist helped me import this data, in another file format, to ArcGIS.
- I used the ArcGIS geocoder to match the 40+ street addresses to coordinate values.
- Unfortunately, there is no way to convert historical street addresses to contemporary ones. The ArcGIS geocoder attempts to match historical with contemporary addresses, providing a report on the accuracy of the assigned values (match, tie, and no match).
- The report for this data set indicates that at least 12 points are problematic.
- To increase the accuracy of the points, I am able to sort the data into layers and manually adjust the points as needed.
This screen capture shows the initial mapping–it’s a work in progress!!!
Part 5, Historical Parisian Street Data Set