CFP: for the Special Issue of Intertexts: “Epistemology as Border(land)s in the Age of Globalization”

Call for Papers for the Special Issue of Intertexts: A Journal of Comparative and
Theoretical Reflection

Epistemology as Border(land)s in the Age of Globalization

Epistemology by definition concerns the study of knowledge and how it relates to questions of truth and belief. Since the dialogues from Plato and Confucius, germane to both Western and Eastern epistemologies has been an intimate relationship with borders and interfaces among literature, philosophy, politics, and education. This special issue particularly welcomes comparative studies of borders and borderlands in both the East and the West, with a focus on issues of knowledge representation, production, circulation, and dissemination. How do borders that are symbolically (re)formed, negotiated, and breached have also influenced how scholars redefine modern knowledge production and dissemination? How do teachers engage these new epistemological modes with pedagogical praxis? In an age of accelerated exchange and contact, in what ways do epistemologies of globalization and anti-globalization affect our relations to border(land)s, “real” and “imaginary,” “epistemological” and “pedagogical”? How do the urge to build borders and the experiences of living in borderlands affect our perception of ourselves in relation to each other and in relation to new forms of knowledge reframed and institutionalized in symbolic borderlands? How do literature, film, theater, and other art forms render legible these transformative processes of epistemic reproduction and pedagogic adaptation?

From Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera poetics (1987) of articulating reformulations and provisional syntheses, to new technological pathways for infinite distribution across different borders (e.g., social media, gaming), to the recently discussed epistemological rupture in the Anthropocene, epistemology as border(land)s in the age of globalization thus provides powerful discursive and aesthetic strategies for cultural relationality and transcultural subjectivity. This special issue seeks papers that particularly examine epistemology as borders and borderlands with such intertwined questions as nationalism, pedagogy, and digitality/mediality. The paper should frame contacts, conflicts, and impacts among representations and movements with comparative approaches to epistemology as borderlands for innovative modes of thinking.

Please send a 250-word abstract to the editor by June 30, 2019, and once the abstract is accepted, the author will send the full paper by the end of December, 2019.

Articles should be at least 25 manuscript pages long, double-spaced throughout, including endnotes, and should follow MLA style (the most recent edition). The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript, only on the cover letter. Articles should be written in English and foreign language quotations should be translated. Manuscripts may be submitted via e-mail to

Abstract Deadline: June 30, 2019
Full Paper Submission Deadline: December 31, 2019
Expected Publication: 2020


Special Issue Editor: Dr. Bennett Fu (, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.

Intertexts: A Journal of Comparative and Theoretical Reflection publishes articles
that employ innovative approaches to explore relations between literary and other texts, whether literary, historical, theoretical, philosophical, or social. Hybrid methodologies that combine elements from a range of disciplines are featured. Published by the University of Nebraska Press, Intertexts is peer-reviewed and available in Project MUSE.