HASTAC on Summer Hiatus

We at HASTAC want to thank you sincerely for all your incredible scholarship and work this academic year-even among a world heath pandemic. The HASTAC team will be on hiatus for the summer months. While on hiatus, we plan to cover the essential work required to support the community. Site functionality and user support will remain in place.

What community members are most likely to notice is a general dialing-down of communications and staff content curation on HASTAC. The newsletter will come out again in the fall; there will be fewer HASTAC tweets and Facebook posts.

There may also be a slightly longer lag time in our responses to queries and a more explicit prioritization of support requests based upon their severity.

We’ll be ramping up our communications and other day-to-day community activities again in the month of September.

We hope that all of you are safe and encourage you to prioritize health–mental, physical, spiritual–right now as the COVID health crisis continues.


Thank you,