What happens when a media production specialist and literature educator work together? We decide to make a video-based mural of the different counties in our home state where we invite folks to pointedly recognize and celebrate the diversity around us.
Margaret Baker (PhD student in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media at NC State University) and I spent our weekend interviewing seven different people in seven different Coastal Carolina counties. We visited a female-owned brewery in Wilson, NC and talked about the power of community and public arts. We went to the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher where we learned about their important work with biodiversity and conservation. We also went to Surf City, Greenville, Pinetop, New Bern, and Jacksonville — speaking to a military wife and educator, a PT at a hospital, a family farmer, a Drag King, and a Marine.
In doing so, it has been beautiful to listen to folk’s stories — and to see how much every person wants everyone to come visit their hometown and be part of their community.
We aim to reach all 100 NC counties! Our work is in the beginning stages, but follow our website where we will share all the videos!