Tomorrow, Feb 8 from 2-3pm (EST), we kick off this semester’s University Worth Fighting For events. The conversation “Accessibility, Mobility, and Design” will focus on the meaning of mobility and the role of design as a process that can cultivate a culture of accessibility that goes beyond accommodations. The livestream will be available at:
After the event, between 3-4pm (EST), Scholars Christina Bosch, Jen Polish, and James Hammond have prepared a Twitter chat where we will focus on questions of intersectionality and what might be at stake in today’s political environment. Please join us via hashtag #fight4edu!
Here are the questions we’ll discuss if you’d like to prepare a couple of thoughts in advance:
- In what ways are policing and racial & religious profiling intertwined with dis/ability policy & ableist social norms?
- How does cultural fear of “the mentally unstable” student racialize dis/ability, & how can we combat this in our classrooms?
- How is dis/ability raced, gendered, classed, and sexualized, and how does this play out in our classrooms?
- How can our syllabi and course designs promote anti-ableist praxis?
- What kinds of assignments & assessments might an anti-ableist pedagogy emphasize?