Category: Film

  • Martial Poetry OR Tae Kwon Do, Creative Writing, and Digital Humanities Walk into a Bar

    Martial Poetry OR Tae Kwon Do, Creative Writing, and Digital Humanities Walk into a Bar

    Inhale.   Gather the breath of the atmosphere in your lungs. Mold the fire of the Earth into the energy of your soul. Pulse with the lifeblood of lightning, ice, and stone. Then, and only then, will you know the swiftness of the pouncing tiger; the silence of the floating swan.   Sound like a […]

  • The Operative Image Syllabus

    The City College of New York MFA in Digital & Interdisciplinary Art Practice Workshop: The Operative Image: approaches to the political in contemporary moving image practices Instructor:     Aily Nash       Course Description What can an image do? How does the image represent? How does the image convey a historical narrative or event? This […]

  • Using new media to teach race and gender theory

    For Cathy Davidson and Michael B. Gillespie’s course Teaching Race and Gender Theory in the Undergraduate Humanities Classroom, the class split into four modules that addressed theory through distinctive practices and discourses including visuality, music, literature and pedagogy. The visuality module, of which I was a member, decided to create subsections. Katherine Contess and Mike […]

  • Narrativas transmedia y educación

    Textos nómades. Relatos que se mueven sin destino fijo ni residencia aparente. Nacen en un cómic, juegan en la pantalla de televisión y se van a dormir al cine. Pero nunca mueren… eso no. Textos que circulan infinitamente, se expanden, comprimen, transforman. Textos mutantes. Vitales. Abiertos. TRANSMEDIA es la palabra que usó Henry Jenkins en 2003 […]