Category: Uncategorized
3D Printed and Enameled Ring Series
She was transparent. She laughed. She dreamed. She did not know how to speak. She believed in what she wanted to believe in. She was exposed to light. She frowned. She faked. She learned how to communicate. She believed in what other people believed in. She built a cage. She trembled. She hesitated. […]
On the Power of Interdisciplinarity and Failure: An Interview with Dean Rehberger
On January 25, I sat down with director of MATRIX: The Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences and Associate Professor in History, Dr. Dean Rehberger to discuss the impact of digitally preserving cultural heritage, the power of interdisciplinary work, and the importance of being able to fail. Some of his specializations include oral history […]
Don’t Skip a Step! Own Your Role as Moderator
Reflecting on what I observed at the recent 2018 MLA conference in New York City, I’ve come to realize that the role of moderator is more important than ever as we try to revolutionize academia. In a conversation with my colleagues at the HASTAC meet-up, we all expressed our anxieties about panel moderating–it’s a tough job. A […]
Alliance for Digital Humanities Organization Feedback Opportunity
The ADHO Implementation Committee has posted the first proposal for how governance of ADHO can be changed to better support the digital humanities. The first one deals with financial scenarios. See: What is this about? In July of 2016 the ADHO Steering Committee approved a new governance framework and a new financial model. An […]
Spiraling Upward
On page 4 of The Artist’s Way, which, in the company of a robust virtual writers’ group, I spent the beginning of the semester sporadically working through, Julia Cameron wrote something that jumped out and grabbed me: “In working with this book, remember that the Artist’s Way is a spiral path.” I have always been […]
Thank you, HASTAC 2017!
Thank you to our colleagues at the University of Central Florida and the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium for hosting and organizing HASTAC 2017 this past week! We’re grateful for all the inspiring and engaging conversations about the possible worlds of digital humanities, and we look forward to continuing those conversations in our community for years […]
Public Humanities Chat Preview: Risks and Rewards
On Thursday, November 9, from 4-5 PM EST/1-2 PST, I will be co-hosting a Twitter chat on public humanities. This blog post (along with additional posts authored by other organizers) is intended to promote dialogue and exchange as a prelude to our chat! One topic that I would like to discuss during the chat are the risks of being a public […]
Dance of Deadlines (Fragments)
(I wrote this over a long stretch. It probably shows.) Movement 1: Pause I hate the word deadline: it’s so demoralizing. It loses belief in you before you’ve even begun. But this week was the first week in ages that I haven’t had a gajillion things due. I sat on my laurels and breathed for […]
Twine Webinar Resources
On May 31st Kalle Westerling hosted a webinar where Richard Snyder and I presented on Twine, a storytelling tool that can make interactive narratives, games, and much more! I wanted to share the recording of the event as well as some resources I talked about in the webinar. Video Recording Q&A Twine Sampler Twine 2 […]