Category: History
Mapping and Geocoding, Part 5: Historical Parisian Street Data Set
A View into the Past Open-source data. A group of scholars created the website GeoHistoricalData to share their interactive historical maps of Paris and France with other researchers. The website features maps and data for Paris and its suburbs (1789 – 1950) and France (1747 – 1950). I exported the data set for Paris street […]
Mapping and Geocoding, Part 3: Vilmorin’s Floriculture Data Set
Outdoor Flower Markets: A Network of Commercial Sites near Public Squares Primary source. The French botanist and writer Philippe L. de Vilmorin authored Les fleurs à Paris: culture et commerce (The Flowers of Paris: Culture and Commerce) in 1892. Vilmorin provides a history of the Parisian floriculture industry that parses out the supply and distribution […]
Mapping and Geocoding, Part 4: Business Directory Data Set
Florists: A Network of Commercial Sites near the City Center and the Grands Boulevards Primary source. The French firm Didot–Bottin published an annual business directory for Paris akin to today’s phonebooks. The directory includes entries for a variety of commercial sites such as florists, horticulturalists, seed sellers, and glasshouse vendors. I use the entry for […]
Mapping and Geocoding, Part 1: Visualizing Parisian Horticultural Networks
The Big Idea: Art | Gender | Plants | Urbanism | Movement | Networks | Power Structures | Ecologies Why use mapping and historical geocoding to visualize data? I use mapping and historical geocoding to enhance close readings of five paintings by Paris-based artists of the 1870s. By combining traditional art historical approaches with methodologies drawn from geography and urban studies, I […]
First Contact with Nineteenth-Century Script
“We’re organizing a transcribe-a-thon for Douglass Day this year.” My colleague’s announcement led to my first contact with nineteenth-century script and to my first efforts at transcribing said script. How hard could it be, I said to myself, after all I’m old enough that my default script is cursive and I can read my writing […]
Plant, Garden, and Environmental Humanities Resources
I want to use the HASTAC platform to share a list of resources for scholars who, like me, use digital tools to study plants, gardens, the environment, and human engagements with the natural world. Botanical and horticultural images and texts Biodiversity Heritage Library Botanicus, Missouri Botanical Garden Dumbarton Oaks, Botanical Illustration Hunt Institute for Botanical […]
History is for Everyone: Launch of Contingent Magazine
History is for everyone. Every way of doing history is worthwhile. Historian should be paid for their work. When you travel to these are the first three sentences that greet you. There are lots of websites focused on historical writing, many of which are great and we happily read them. Some try to reach […]
The Florida Constitution Podcast
The Florida Constitution Podcast is a new podcast history project produced by Robert Cassanello, Holly Baker and I in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the 1968 Florida constitution. As is the case with many issues in Florida, the constitution reflects the state’s complex history. Robert Cassanello suggested the possibility of bringing notable experts on the different […]
The Software Arts: Warren Sack to speak at NYU on Thurs., Oct. 18th, 11:30am-1:30pm
Dear All, I will be at NYU on Thursday, October 18th (11:30-1:30) to give a talk about my forthcoming book: The book is scheduled to be published by MIT Press early next year. According to the blurb on the Press’s website it is “An alternative history of software that places the liberal arts at the […]
CFP! Realizing Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Star Wars, Episodes VII, VIII & IX
Digital Frontiers and the University of North Texas Department of Philosophy and Religion Present: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Star Wars, Episodes VII, VIII & IX May 2–4, 2019, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA Call for Papers: Although Star Wars: Episode IV–A New Hope may have started out on shaky ground, its cinematic release in 1977 forever […]